Website Contra Costa County
The County of Contra Costa is currently searching for qualified candidates for appointment as the County’s Auditor-Controller. The successful candidate will be appointed by the Board of Supervisors to serve in this capacity for the remainder of the current term, expiring on January 4, 2027. Qualified candidates should send a completed application and all supporting documents to jobs@hrd.cccounty.us. Applications will be accepted beginning Friday, January 17, 2025 through Wednesday, February 12, 2025 at 11:59 pm. A link to the application is included below:
Auditor – Controller Application
*Note applications and attachments provided are public, subject to California Public Records Act (CA Gov. Code §6250-6270), and will be posted online.
Information on Contra Costa’s Auditor – Controller Office can be found at: Auditor-Controller | Contra Costa County, CA Official Website
Learn more about the Auditor – Controller’s Budget, Goals and Performance Measures here: Auditor-Controller FY24-25 Adopted Budget
Government Code section 24001 and Elections Code section 201 requires that the appointee for Auditor-Controller as an elected office be a registered voter within Contra Costa County and qualified to vote for that office at the time of appointment. To qualify for appointment to the office, a person must also meet at least one of the following criteria:
· The person possesses a valid and active certificate issued by the California Board of Accountancy under Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 5000) of Division of the Business Professions Code showing the person to be, and a permit authorizing the person to practice as, a certified public accountant.
· The person possesses a baccalaureate degree from a accredited university, college or other four-year institution with a major in accounting, as described in subdivision (a) of Section 5081.1 of the Business and Professions Code, as that section read on December 31, 2009, or a business-related degree that includes at least 24 semester units, or equivalent quarter units, in accounting-related subjects, including, but not limited to accounting, financial reporting, auditing, and taxation, and has served within the last five years in a senior fiscal management position in a county, city or other public agency or a non-profit organization, dealing with similar fiscal responsibilities, including, but not limited to, public accounting or auditing responsibilities, for a continuous period of not less than three years.
· The person has served as County Auditor, Assistant County Auditor, Chief Deputy County Auditor or an equivalent position for a continuous period of not less than three years.
Contra Costa County is committed to racial equity, inclusion, and social justice within all county operations and is dedicated to the advancement of key initiatives and efforts in support of this essential mission. The ideal candidate will also possess a value system that engenders trust and confidence and embodies a commitment to racial equity, diversity, and inclusion.
01/17/2025 Application period commences
02/12/2025 Application period closes @ 11:59pm
02/20/2025 Applications Disclosure/Board of Supervisors Agenda Published for 02/25/2025
02/25/2025 Regular Meeting: Board of Supervisors Consider Applications for Interview
03/11/2025 Regular Meeting: Board of Supervisors Interview Applicants and Make Appointment
**Please note that application reviews, interviews and appointments will be made during a meeting of the Contra Costa Board of Supervisors and will be attended by the public. All information provided will be public documents and posted online.
Please direct any questions to the Contra Costa Human Resources Department at (925) 655-2100 or jobs@hrd.cccounty.us
To apply for this job email your details to jobs@hrd.cccounty.us