What is CGL?
Credentialed Government Leader Certification, or CGL, is a joint venture between MMANC, MMASC and ICMA. CGL provides foundational tools, experiences and connections designed to develop participants’ knowledge, self-awareness and skill set. The program is designed to build the management and leadership skills of analysts, mid-managers and other members who have at least three years of experience in a government organization. Members applying for the credentialing program will gain an unbiased assessment of their current skills, knowledge and interests through an assessment survey.
How many classes should I take and how do I decide which classes to choose?
The credential requires the completion of eight (8) pre-approved training opportunities – five core areas and at least three electives that you select with your mentor based on your career goals.
Core classes include Organizational Leadership, Effective Communication: Written and Verbal, Creative and Critical Thinking, Interpersonal Relationships with Elected/Appointed Leadership, and Project Management. Elective courses range in topics from Managing Human Resources to Economic Development.
You should track your courses as you go with this form. A short (250 word) write-up is required for each course you take and we recommend that you complete your short write-up for the course as you go.
How do I sign up for CGL?
To sign up for CGL, complete the online application here. The CGL Committee will review your application within two weeks of submission and will inform you of your acceptance into the program.
How do I find a coach?
MMANC and MMASC partner with the ICMA Coaching Program to give you access to seasoned government leaders, many of who are sitting City Managers, who are ready to be your coach as you complete CGL and often beyond.
You’ll start here at the ICMA website’s CoachConnect interest form. You can search by gender and location to find someone who fits your specific needs. Want someone who has experience in Public Works? Feel more comfortable with a female coach? Looking for someone in a town you’d like to work in some day?
Once you choose your coach, you can reach out and introduce yourself. Remember that these are busy folks – many are City Managers – and they make time to get back to you or not have time to take on a new coaching relationship at this time. That’s OK – there are lots of options and you can just ask another person to be your mentor. The CGL Committee is also available to help connect you with a coach. Once you select a coach, please email the CGL Committee and cgl@mmanc.org.
What does it cost?
The cost to join CGL is $75. Individual CGL course costs can vary between $50-$150.
How long does the program take?
Each individual charts their own course through the program. However, we suggest you complete the coursework within three years of beginning the program.
Where are the classes offered?
CGL courses are offered at MMANC signature events (Women’s Leadership Summit, Winter Forum, and Summer Symposium) and the Annual Conference and are often offered at Region events. The Annual Conference offers the most CGL courses offered in the shortest amount of time – it’s a great time to knock out some of your required and elective courses.
One other option is to suggest a course to count toward your credit. Courses like those offered by CSMFO or ICMA are great places to look for CGL courses and submit the course for approval.
Can I propose a course to count toward my CGL credential?
Yes! If you are already heading to a training or conference, proposing a course for CGL credit is easy: just complete this course proposal form and the CGL Committee will review it and let you know if your course is CGL-approved.
It may take up to two weeks to hear back if your course was approved and sometimes the Committee will offer ½ credit. Things like the length of the proposed course, the course instructor and their qualifications and the topic will be considered.
I’m finished with my CGL courses! – How do I let MMANC know?
Congratulations! Once you finish taking your courses, you’ll send your tracking document to the CGL Committee at cgl@mmanc.org. You’ll also need to submit a document with summaries of each of the courses you’ve taken (250 words) and a culminating paper about your CGL experience (500-750 words).
Once the CGL Committee receives your Course Completion, they’ll confer and send you a congratulations email.
We would like the honor of celebrating this accomplishment at the next signature event so we’ll check in with you to publicly recognize your achievement after you’ve completed the program.
Who should I contact if I have questions?
Send an email cgl@mmanc.org, and someone from the CGL Committee will get back to you.